| 1. | Balance fertilization technique on fruit tree 优质高效果树测土配方平衡施肥技术 |
| 2. | Experimental study on balanced fertilization of corn 玉米平衡施肥试验研究 |
| 3. | Study on balance fertilization of rareripe taro 早熟芋艿平衡施肥技术研究 |
| 4. | This emphasized again the importance of balanced fertilization 再次表明了平衡施肥的重要性。 |
| 5. | Visiting a pilot site of balanced fertilization 参观平衡施肥示范点 |
| 6. | Benefit cost ratios under balanced fertilization regimes exceeded 2 . 5 实行平衡施肥后产投比大于2 . 5 。 |
| 7. | Effects of balance fertilization to soybean yields and its formation factors 平衡施肥对大豆产量及其构成因子的影响 |
| 8. | Balanced fertilization technique was adapted by wuchuan potato farmers 内蒙古武川县马铃薯项目示范点农民采用平衡施肥技术 |
| 9. | Sanjianfang village is an experimental project site of balanced fertilization 三间房村是“小农户适应全球市场项目”平衡施肥试验点。 |
| 10. | The six farmers followed the government recommendation , among others by practising balance fertilization 六位农民按政府推荐的管理措施种植水稻。 |